Why I'm stoked about ExpoTv right now!

Update / Bic Soleil Review!

Update on the blog, sort of + Bic Soleil review

Sweetheart VoxBox!

I review the last Voxbox I got! Read more to find out whether it hit a sweet spot or caused heartbreak!

Neutrogena Cosmetics Review!

What was all the Bzzzzzzz about? This BzzAgent explains!

Changes Are Coming!

I talk updates, and my hopes for this blog's future!

Thursday, July 3, 2014


So who doesn't love technology? Blenders to blend smoothies, phones to text/email/take photos, and of course how would we be able to forget the world wide web? Well, if you're like me you're obsessed (and I mean OBSESSED) with all things technological. If I am able to, I try to buy the latest and greatest gadgets for just this reason (well, and who doesn't love the right to show off to their friends who are equally as tech-savvy?).

Enter Expo. Right now there is a "tryology" program available for Hewlett-Packard. If you don't know what Expo is, it's basically a free to join website that allows consumer-brand interaction. You upload a video of you reviewing a product (either one you have at home that they need reviews on, or one you purchase, or even one they send you free). They either approve or deny the video based on their strict criterion. You earn points and then these points are redeemable for prizes and contests. That's not the best part, though.
The best part is that if they send you a product, you get to keep the product. This makes me super excited about this tryology campaign. I love computers. I love applications/java/etc. I love learning how things work, and this looks like a GREAT chance to try out a touch screen, a laptop, or tablet that is from a brand I've purchased from in the past and has a long-standing reputation and that is willing to let consumers try their products.
I really , really, really want in on this! Wish me luck and sign up for yourselves HERE !
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Saturday, May 31, 2014

Long time, No Post & Bic Soleil Glow Review!

Ok, so, I haven't 1)fixed the blog up to my liking or 2)actually blogged in a while. I have been in and out of doctor's offices for health issues. That combined with the slew of symptoms I have right now are not exactly motivating me..Suffice to say that makes me feel like being lazy and relaxing (I HAVE to be in a stress-free environment until things improve for now). Anywhooooo , BIC SOLEIL GLOW!
Ok, so BzzAgent is a great website that allows users to interact and experience different brands that reach out to said consumers to get invaluable insight on their products (ie- is it comfortable in-hand, is it easy to use, etc etc etc). I was sent the Bic Soleil Glow razor (as part of a COMPLETELY FREE campaign hosted by BzzAgent(type the following to go look for yourself and sign up: www.bzzagent.com !) See a picture below of the razors!

Real-talk time. I love Bic. I love their Soleil line. However, we all know Bic Soleil is ridiculously expensive, right? WRONG! For once they actually have a decently priced razor! (6 bucks at Walgreens, vs the brand's habit of 9 and 10 dollar razors) This made me pretty happy, because I can't stand the cheap razors that are store brand (they leave too many hairs behind) and I can't really afford a 10 dollar disposable razor. So 6 bucks, while more than a store brand, is not as bad as 10. This gets this razor 3/5 stars for pricing (because we can still get cheaper, but the quality is worth it).
This razor has a pivoting head and a "comfort shield". This means that the razor is hinged in a way that allows it to fit the contours of your body while still having a comfortable barrier to prevent nicks in unpleasant places (think knees, ankles, armpits, and any sensitive areas). In this respect, I think BIC has the range of motion to a science(not too much movement, not too little), and in contrast the shield seemed a bit bulky. I wish the shield would have made it just slightly less awkward to get a close shave.
As a side-note, the 3 blades (while giving me a close shave) have a habit of giving me slight razor burn if I am not cautious.
This razor comes in many fun colors and has attractive packaging. While not necessarily, well, necessary, it's always good to have interesting/fun colored products available. It's so dull buying a razor that's the same cheap-pink-plastic color. The packaging is eye-catching, with fun color swirls and bold type being utilized and not detracting from the cute razors. Speaking of colors, I received following: Purple, Pink, & Green.
The only Cons are that the shield is a bit bulky, and the three blades can sometimes cause me a bit of razor burn.

So, if you factor in fun packaging, usefulness, ability to get a close shave and that useful pivot while detracting for razor burn and a bulky shield I would say this razor is a solid 4.0 out of 5!

I will be putting up a review in a short while of Paula's Choice Clear Acne Kit (which will also be GRATIS). Seriously, you guys need to try this razor out,and join in on all the Bzzzzz! *I gave all the coupons away, hooray!*