So this past few weeks, along with the Split2Fit packs I was sent, I got to test out Glade Expressions. I have to admit, I was pleasantly suprised. The kit I was sent had coupons for me to get the actual spray and the scent kit (the diffuser) for free and coupons for me to pass along (let me tell you boy did those go over well!).
So for my personal choices, I chose the Pineapple/Mangosteen spray and the Lavender oil diffuser kit.
I used the Lavender diffuser kit in the bedroom to diffuse tension and help ease into sleep and the pineapple/mangosteen spray in the livingroom because it was citrus and very revitalizing. The scents are phenomenal. In no time at all, when I opened the diffuser kit and set it up, the scent of Lavender permeated the air. It wasn't so strong it was overwhelming, but was strong enough for my 10x10 room (small, I know) to be scented and restful. The spray is very beneficial for our living room as we have pets who are loveable but can be smelly ;).
The scent of Pineapple/Mangosteen reminded me of a pineapple lollipop; very sweet, sugary, pineapple and mango notes are prominent.
The scent of Lavender reminded me of a luxurious restful oasis. It was obviously lavender (duh) but it had some other hint in it I couldn't quite place..It mellowed it out and made it even more pleasing.
The products have lasted and lasted; very helpful if you go for bang for your buck!
Overall - Two thumbs up; the only improvement might be adding more variety and a slightly lower price point. Coupons are a girl's best friend, no?
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